Discover Centi's

Industry Specific Solutions

Efficient payment processing as key
differentiator for your business.

Empowering a Broad Spectrum of Industries

Centi’s innovative payment solutions are not confined to a single sector. Our versatile offerings cater to a wide range of industries, from e-commerce to IoT, and everything in between. Experience the future of payments, tailored for your industry.

Strategic Market Segmentation

At Centi, we believe in clarity and organization. Our market segmentation strategy clusters industries with similar needs, ensuring efficient resource allocation, clear focus, and maximum impact. Dive into our clustered approach and discover how Centi is revolutionizing payments across sectors.


With Centi’s strategic market segmentation, industries can find solutions tailored to their unique needs. Whether you’re in e-commerce, transportation, or any other sector, Centi has the tools to revolutionize your payment experience.

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Get in touch with us to start the integration process or for further inquiries.

Get in touch with us

Ready to revolutionize payments in your industry? Get in touch with us today to learn more.”

Key Industries

Online shopping is a massive industry that continues to grow, and the need for secure, efficient, and low-cost payment solutions is high.
Freelance Platforms
With the rise of the gig economy, platforms that connect freelancers with clients are becoming increasingly popular. These platforms need efficient ways to handle transactions, making them a key industry for Centi.
Subscription-based services, such as streaming platforms and software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms, are becoming increasingly common. Centi’s solutions could be very beneficial for these types of businesses.
Financial Institution
These entities are always looking for innovative payment solutions and could benefit from Centi’s ‘Stablecoin-as-a-Service’ platform and other offerings.
The gaming industry is rapidly growing, with many transactions happening every second. Centi’s solutions could provide a more efficient and secure way to handle these transactions.
Food and Beverage
Restaurants, cafes, and food delivery platforms can use Centi for secure and instant payments.
Telecom companies can use Centi for mobile top-ups, bill payments, and other services.
Centi can be used for fare payments in public transportation, ride-hailing services, and parking fees.
Music and Entertainment
Centi can be used for ticket purchases, merchandise, and streaming services in the music and entertainment industry.
Centi can facilitate secure, instant, and low-cost transactions for services in the sharing economy, such as ride-sharing, home-sharing, and tool rental platforms.
Security service providers can use Centi for easy and secure bill payments and subscriptions.
Centi can be integrated into IoT systems for metered services like utilities, pay-per-use services, and smart home technologies, enabling automatic, secure, and real-time payments.
Businesses that operate on self-service models, like self-checkout retail stores, unmanned kiosks, and vending machines, can integrate Centi for seamless and secure payments.

Additional Industries:

Travel and Hospitality | Real Estate | Education |
Healthcare | Insurance | Non-Profit Organizations | Utilities | Supply Chain and Logistics | Government Services | Fashion and Apparel | Home Services | Sports and Fitness | Legal Services | Agriculture | Manufacturing | Construction | Rental | Community Building | Consumer Empowering | Remote Controlling

Real Estate
Legal Services
Get in touch

Interested in our Payment Services?

Get in touch with us to start the integration process or for further inquiries.”

Head Quarter

Centi Ltd, Im Schilf 4,
8044 Zürich, Switzerland

Mailing Address

Business Talk

